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The Benefits of Organic Eating for Faster Weight Loss

Updated: May 7, 2024

Tomato plant growing with chemical fertilizer and pesticides.

Food labeled USDA Organic is required to be 95% organic with no synthetic pesticides, hormones, antibiotics or other biotechnologies used during the production and processing cycles. This means we have some assurance our food items have not been chemically adulterated. One of the most destructive chemicals is Glyphosate.

Glyphosate is one of the leading pesticides that has been in use since the sixties. It is within that same timeline the occurrence of neurodegenerative conditions such as autism, dementia, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimers have increased in stride. Additionally, auto immune and digestive disorders like Crohn's, celiac, diabetes and thyroid dysfunction have all increased for the same reason--leaky gut and leaky brain. While many of these conditions are categorized as idiopathic (unknown origins) many are blamed on faulty genetics.

Photo of street shoppers showing the normalcy of excessive toxin exposure and fat storage.
Photo of street shoppers showing the normalcy of excessive toxin exposure and fat storage. Photo credit: Vecteezy

How have genetics changed so much since the sixties that a random photo of any crowded place shows normal sized bodies, but now most are oversized bodies? This is not fat shaming--rather, it is fat naming. Fat is a storage molecule, it stores excess energy AND toxins. When the toxic load rises quickly the fastest way to clean up your body is to sequester the toxins inside a storage molecule--fat. Just as one may hurriedly stash clutter into a closet to enjoy a clean space the clutter is not gone, but sequestered--to deal with it later. But if later never comes, and more stuff continues to arrive, you will need to find more storage because you are on the verge of being overwhelmed. This means the oversized bodies are not lazy or overindulgent; they have been poisoned, and their bodies are saving them.

Normal intestinal permeability versus Leaky Gut
Normal intestinal permeability with tight junctions versus leaky gut.

One of the ways Glyphosate poisons the body is by penetrating the gut lining and blood brain barrier. It does this by increasing Zonulin a protein that increases permeability of tight junctions. These velcro like tight junctions are designed to separate tissue spaces while selectively allowing essential particles through. Without these protective tight junctions a free flow effect occurs with food particles and pathogens crossing into the blood and traveling to other organ systems. This triggers an immune response which causes inflammation. As foods containing glyphosate and other pesticides continue to be consumed these tight junctions cannot repair. The inflammation continues, eventually becoming systemic, pathogens target organ systems and immune disorders are born. When your body cannot hold pathogens back or maintain separation from cellular debris--it cannot protect you. It is in this critical state of survive or die your body switches into fat storage.

If we know that Glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, can be linked to all of these disorders by increasing your permeability why is it still in use? Because the system is not set up to benefit the consumer and promote health. It is set up to optimize crop yields--which it does, but with negative side effects--your health. The negative inflammatory side effects are such that they are difficult to connect to Glyphosate. Some of the side effects are bloating, poor digestions, poor energy, low sex drive, fatigue, brain fog, short-term memory loss to name a few. There is no flashing neon sign within your body signaling its reaction to this chemical. They're just the inflammatory symptoms where your body is trying to get your attention and alert you.

In the US alone there is 330 million lbs of glyphosate introduced to the environment every year. That's equivalent to 1lb of Glyphosate per person, per year. This is a BIG deal because it has been shown to last 50 years in the soil. It's in the rain, rivers, oceans and even the air. When a farmer sprays his crop the chemicals can travel up to 15 miles and infect the non-organic farmers crops. Glyphosate is everywhere.

If you cannot buy exclusively organic you should know Glyphosate is used predominantly in Corn and Soy products. It is applied prior to planting and again before harvesting to speed up and even out the ripening process. This means your non-organic food is getting another dose before harvest. Other crops like wheat, lentil and chickpeas are sprayed after harvest to quicken the dry time. This chemical is not washed off. So when you eat non-organic hummus, or lentils or fresh bread from the bakery you may think you are making healthy choices, but you're getting a double-dose of poison.

Best practices for slimming down your waistline with food is to actively avoid corn, wheat and soy. If you love your corn chips, bread, crackers, edamame or tofu always buy organic--this should be non-negotiable in your health journey. You can help your body heal by consuming antioxidant and fiber rich fruit and vegetables. The antioxidants assist and replenish your vitality while the fiber binds to and removes the toxic debris. As you increase your consumption of these fruits and vegetables you will begin to eliminate the excess toxins and their storage containers.

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